Monday, March 29, 2010


With my design, I was hoping to achieve a nice blend of clarity and creativity. I wanted to use what I had learned from the reading about PowerPoint to make an easy to understand presentation. However, since my topic was Lady Gaga I also wanted to work in a lot of playfulness so that it would match her personality.
One important decision I made was the color of the slides. I chose blue because Lady Gaga seems to wear this color a lot and fashion is very important to her. Another stylistic aspect that effected the whole presentation was the font. Originally I had a really plain font so that it would be easy to read, but I eventually decided that this was one thing that needed to be ruled by creativity instead of clarity. I also tried to throw in a few crazy transitions and animations for added interest. On the same note, I made my own table so that I could be more creative with animations here as well.
I would say that the timing of the presentation was the most challenging aspect. It just took a really long time to make it work exactly like I needed it to, but after spending a lot of time on it I think I got it right. Also, getting that balance of creative and clear that I was talking about was difficult. I solved this by simply playing around with colors, and fonts, and animations while still keeping the basic rules in mind.
I think I am most proud of my slide with the table. I tried really hard when making it and it was not easy. I also think it is really interesting, different, and effective.
If I had more time I would probably just do some extra touching up. I might make a better music clip with fading effects. I would also maybe tweak the timing a little more. In addition, I would probably play with color and animations a little more.
View more presentations from Clara Moses.

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