Thursday, March 4, 2010


In my design I has hoping to achieve a good connection between my poem’s meaning and the look of it. When it came to the actual poem I have already justified why I choose the fonts and background that I did. All of the fonts give meaning to the specific word and I wanted my background to have the look of nighttime to go along with the dreamy message of the poem. I was going after the same thing when I made my collage. I wanted the picture to tell the same story that the poem does.

In order to do this I wanted a picture of feet over dreamy images to symbolize the message of someone walking over your dreams. After I found the picture of the feet, I put the moon image right under to show a transition from the real world feet into dream pictures. I then put things that I, and many others, dream of underneath everything else, including cities where I want to live, things that symbolize what I want in my life, and even a nightmarish picture. Then to really make the collage fit the poem by changing everything to black and white for a nighttime feel. I also made sure that all the pictures I used were sort of dreamy looking. Finally, I blurred everything together to make the collage really look like one piece.

What was most challenging was getting all of the pictures into the collage the way I wanted them to be. I wanted them all to be the appropriate size and this was sort of a trial by error process, which tends to be frustrating. As you can see though, it did work out in the end.

I really did solve most of the problems I encountered by just going back and doing it over. Again, the only challenge I really had with the collage and animation was putting the collage together. Although, getting the collage into the animation also took a little trial by error.

Out of my final animated font poem the thing I am most proud of is my collage. I tried really hard to make it have the meaning I want by looking for appropriate pictures. I also wanted it to blend really well so I spent a fair amount of time just playing with the blur tool until I was completely happy with it.

If I had more time I might see if I could do more with my animation. I think I saw some examples where the words flew into the poem in crazy ways. That would be cool. Also, I might add a slide where my poem comes over my collage but I would have to play around with colors in order to find one that would make my words show up over the collage and then I would have to change all of them. You can see how this would take some extra time.

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