Sunday, April 18, 2010


In my design, I was hoping to achieve a look that really fit the company. I wanted to use their colors and make it something they would appreciate. I also wanted to create a brochure that gives just the right amount of information.

The first decision I had to make was the overall look. I choose pink and black for my color scheme because those are the colors that the company always uses and I think it is appropriate. I choose the font for the front cover because that is the font that the company uses. I choose my other fonts because they were my favorite for this company off the list that was given to us in class. Then I had to choose what information and pictures to use. I basically just picked what I believe to be the most important information to have in a brochure and then choose pictures that sort of illustrated what I was saying and made the layout more interesting at the same time.

I found making a gradient very challenging. I needed a lot of help and time to figure out how to use the tool in InDesign. Also, simply deciding what information was the most important was difficult.

The main problem I had to solve was making the gradient. First, I just played around with it for a while. Then, when that did not work, I looked up how to do it in the help menu and in our book but I still could not do it. Finally, I just used the help of others in class and that did work!

I am most proud of the overall look of my brochure. I think that the company would be very happy with it. It is cute and it gives a lot of information in an interesting way.

If I had more time I would work on the pictures. I am not sure if the program is just doing strange things to them but some of them are kind of blurry even though I edited them in Photoshop first. On the other hand, this happened to others as well so I just let it go for now.

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