Thursday, February 4, 2010

Font Poem

The quote I chose is from the poem "He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" by William Butler Yeats. I chose it because it is my favorite poem and I use it whenever I can. It is my favorite poem because I really like its message. I also thought it had a lot of sensory words that would be fun to play with in Photoshop.

I used the font Verdana for the words "I HAVE," "BECAUSE YOU," and "ON" because all of these words are very straight forward and call for a simple font. Verdana is my favorite simple font, so I chose it. When it came to the word "SPREAD" I was looking for something that would look smooth, like putting peanut butter on toast. In the end I came up with Banshee Std. Next came the "my dreams." For them I chose Monotype Corsiva because it made the words look smooth and puffy like clouds. I also used the arch tool to wave the words and make them sort of trippy, or for the lack of a better word, dreamy. For "under" I was looking for something that seemed to be getting squished from the top. I ended up with Birch Std and I made the word really small. When it came to "YOUR FEET" I wanted the words to look big and gross like feet. The font that achieved this is Cutout Std. It even looks cracked like feet. For the "treads" I chose Cascade Script LT Std because it had a sort of "moving along" look to it. I also made that word angled up so it would have that "walking" appearance and I gave it pebble texture instead of color for symbolism. When it came to softly, I just wanted something cursive and pretty. I went with Snell Roundhand LT Std in speckled pink. I made repeating words the same because I think it helps the poem looking clean cut.

The first notable thing I did when arranging my poem was to put "SPREAD" on a lower level than the words it was next to in order to add to the italic flatness that represented the word to me. "Under" was also very important. I put that on a lower level than "YOUR FEET" for symbolic purposes. For the other words I really just wanted to spread them out in a slightly more interesting than linear way. I also wanted to make sure there was not too much white space. For the whole arrangement I did try to keep the Z pattern in mind.

When it comes to difficulties I had with this project they mostly involved the background. First, I had a hard time remembering exactly how to change the background color. Finally, I started to memorize the way where you go to "Edit" and then click "Fill." Then I decided my plain purple background was boring so I played around with the Gradient Tool until I liked it better.

I am most proud of the fonts and colors I chose. I worked really hard to make them fit their meanings. If I had more time I would probably just play around with the background some more and see what other things I could do to it and if I liked any of them better.

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